The Beginning

I began my journey into Linking Awareness (also known as Animal Communication, though it's more accurately described as Intercellular Communication) in 2015, prompted by the diagnosis of mouth cancer in my beloved dog, Miki.

The soul that changed my life

Miki came into my life at just 7 weeks old and was my cherished companion for 8 years.

Her presence introduced me to the enchanting realm of the Animal Kingdom, marking the beginning of my path as a lightworker. Despite her declining health, our conversations were filled with laughter, tears, and words of love. Miki encouraged me to deepen my practice and strive to become a better person, dedicated to aiding more animals. Her parting gift was a precious and enduring treasure that I cherish in my heart always.

To this day,

I honor her wish and continue to pass on the gift she bestowed upon me by providing guidance to the animals and their caretakers who cross my path.

Come along on my journey as I strive to impact lives and guide fellow caretakers toward a holistic and mindful way of living.